Eudaimōn Arabia

Information from the Periplus

Ancient Toponym: Eudaimōn Arabia
Place Type: Harbor
Route: Eastern route
Next on Route: Kanē
Ancient Area: Arabia
Periplus Chapter: PME, Ch. 26

Topographic info

Longitude 45.038928
Latitude 12.771651
Location Source: Pleiades

Modern Identification: Aden
Modern Country: Yemen

Passage from the Periplus

Beyond Okelis, with the waters again opening out towards the east and little by little being revealed to be open sea, about 1200 stades distant is Eudaimon Arabia, a village on the coast belonging to the same kingdom, Charibael’s. It has suitable harbors and sources of water much sweeter than at Okelis. It stands at the beginning of a gulf formed by the receding of the shore. Eudaimon Arabia [“prosperous Arabia”], a fullfledged city in earlier days, was called Eudaimon when, since vessels from India did not go on to Egypt and those from Egypt did not dare sail to the places further on but came only this far, it used to receive the cargoes of both, just as Alexandria receives cargoes from overseas as well as from Egypt. And now, not long before our time, Caesar sacked it. (from the Casson translation)


Ancient source: nan

Bibliography: von Wissmann 1976, 358