
Information from the Periplus

Ancient Toponym: Kanē
Place Type: Port of trade
Route: Eastern route
Next on Route: Isle of Birds
Ancient Area: Arabia
Periplus Chapter: PME, Ch. 27

Topographic info

Longitude 48.341944
Latitude 14.0253
Location Source: Pleiades

Modern Identification: Hisn Ghurab
Modern Country: Yemen

Passage from the Periplus

Immediately after Eudaimon Arabia come a long coast and bay, populated by the villages of Nomads and Ichthyophagoi, that stretch for 2000 stades or more, at which point, beyond the projecting headland, is another port of trade on the coast, Kane, belonging to the kingdom of Eleazos, the frankincense-bearing land; near it are two barren islands, one called Orneon [“of the birds”] and the other Trullas, 120 stades offshore from Kane. Above it inland lies the metropolis of Saubatha, which is also the residence of the king. All the frankincense grown in the land is brought into Kane, as if to a warehouse, by camel as well as by rafts of a local type made of leathern bags, and by boats. It also carries on trade with the ports across the water—Barygaza, Skythia, Omana—and with its neighbor, Persis. (from the Casson translation)


Ancient source: nan

Bibliography: Davidde, B. and Petriaggi, R. 1998. Archaeological surveys in the harbour of ancient Kané. PSAS 38: 39-44.

Bibliography: Davidde, B., Petriaggi, R. and Williams, D.F. 2004. New data on the commercial trade of the harbour of Kanē through the typological and petrographic study of the pottery. PSAS 34: 85-100.

Bibliography: Mouton, M. et al. 2008. A new map of Qâni’ (Yemen). AAE 19: 198-209.

Bibliography: Schiettecatte, J. 2011. D’Aden à Zafar: Villes d’Arabie du Sud préislamique. Paris: Orient & Méditerranée Archéologie 6, pp. 203-207.