
Information from the Periplus

Ancient Toponym: Tagara
Place Type: Port of trade
Route: Eastern route
Next on Route: Akabaru
Ancient Area: India
Periplus Chapter: PME, Ch. 51

Topographic info

Longitude 76.14594
Latitude 18.301382
Location Source: Pleiades

Modern Identification: Ter or Thair
Modern Country: India

Passage from the Periplus

Of the trading centers in the region of Dachinabades, two are the most outstanding: Paithana, twenty days’ travel to the south from Barygaza; and, from Paithana, about ten days to the east, another very large city, Tagara. From these there is brought to Barygaza, by conveyance in wagons over very great roadless stretches, from Paithana large quantities of onyx, and from Tagara large quantities of cloth of ordinary quality, all kinds of cotton garments, garments of molochinon, and certain other merchandise from the coastal parts that finds a market locally there. The voyage as far as Limyrike is 7000 stades in all, but most vessels continue on to the Strand. (from the Casson translation)


Ancient source: Ptolemy 7.1.83

Bibliography: nan