Ptolemaïs Thērōn

Information from the Periplus

Ancient Toponym: Ptolemaïs Thērōn
Place Type: Port of trade
Route: Western route
Next on Route: Adouli
Ancient Area: Africa
Periplus Chapter: PME, Ch. 3

Topographic info

Longitude 38.2
Latitude 18.233
Location Source: Pleiades

Modern Identification: Aqiq Saghir
Modern Country: Sudan

Passage from the Periplus

Beyond the Moschophagoi, about 4000 stades distant. . . on the sea is a small port of trade called Ptolemais Theron [“Ptolemais of the Hunts”]; from it, in the days of the Ptolemies, the royal huntsmen made their way inland. The port of trade offers genuine tortoise shell, a little land tortoise, and a light-colored variety with rather small shields. On occasion, even a little ivory is to be found there, similar to that from Adulis. The place has no harbor and offers refuge only to small craft. (from the Casson translation)


Ancient source: Strabo, Geography, 16.4.7

Bibliography: nan