Moscha Limen

Information from the Periplus

Ancient Toponym: Moscha Limen
Place Type: Designated harbor
Route: Eastern route
Next on Route: Asikhōnos
Ancient Area: Arabia
Periplus Chapter: PME, Ch. 32

Topographic info

Longitude 54.089722
Latitude 17.019722
Location Source: Pleiades

Modern Identification: perhaps Salalah
Modern Country: Oman

Passage from the Periplus

Immediately after Syagros is a bay indenting deeply into the coast, Omana, 600 stades across the mouth; after it, high mountains, rocky and sheer, where men live in caves, for another 500; and, after these, a designated harbor for loading the Sachalite frankincense, called Moscha Limen [“Moscha Harbor”]. Some vessels are customarily sent to it from Kane; in addition, those sailing by from Limyrike or Barygaza that passed the winter [sc. at Moscha] because of the season being late, by arrangement with the royal agents take on, in exchange for cotton cloth and grain and oil, a return cargo of frankincense, the Sachalite variety throughout, at a mole that stands there unguarded, thanks to some power of the gods who watch over this place. For, neither covertly nor overtly can frankincense be loaded aboard a ship without royal permission; if even a grain is lifted aboard, the ship cannot sail, since it is against the god’s will. (from the Casson translation)


Ancient source: nan

Bibliography: von Wissmann, Herman (1977). Das Weihrauchland Sa’kalan, Samarum und Mos-cha.