
Information from the Periplus

Ancient Toponym: Kammōni
Place Type: Village
Route: Eastern route
Next on Route: Barygaza
Ancient Area: India
Periplus Chapter: PME, Ch. 41

Topographic info

Longitude 72.925301
Latitude 21.402921
Location Source: Pleiades

Modern Identification: nan
Modern Country: India

Passage from the Periplus

Immediately after the gulf of Barake is the gulf of Barygaza and the coast of the region of Ariake, the beginning both of Manbanos’s realm and of all of India. The part inland, which borders on Skythia, is called Aberia, the part along the coast Syrastrene. The region, very fertile, produces grain, rice, sesame oil, ghee, cotton, and the Indian cloths made from it, those of ordinary quality. There are a great many herds of cattle, and the men are of very great size and dark skin color. The metropolis of the region is Minnagara, from which great quantities of cloth are brought to Barygaza. In the area there are still preserved to this very day signs of Alexander’s expedition, ancient shrines and the foundations of encampments and huge wells. The voyage along the coast of this region, from Barbarikon to the promontory near Astakapra across from Barygaza called Papike, is 3000 stades. (from the Casson translation)


Ancient source: Ptolemy, 7.1.5

Bibliography: Renou, Louis. 1925. La géographie de Ptolémée: L’Inde. (vii, 1-4). Paris: É. Champion; Biblioteca nazionale marciana, p. 81.