
Information from the Periplus

Ancient Toponym: Hōraia
Place Type: Port of trade
Route: Eastern route
Next on Route: Barbarikon
Ancient Area: nan
Periplus Chapter: PME, Ch. 37

Topographic info

Longitude 66.455092
Latitude 25.6558
Location Source: Pleiades

Modern Identification: nan
Modern Country: nan

Passage from the Periplus

After the country to which Omana belongs comes the country of the Parsidai, part of another kingdom, and the gulf called the Gulf of the Terabdoi, around the middle of which . . . bulges into the gulf. And washing into it is a river that boats can enter; at the mouth is a small port of trade called Horaia and behind it, a seven-day journey from the sea, is an inland city, which is also the site of a royal palace, called. . . . The region produces grain in quantity, wine, rice, and dates, but along the coast nothing except bdellium. (from the Casson translation)


Ancient source: Pliny the Elder, NH, 6.97.5


Ancient source: Ptolemy, 7.1.58


Ancient source: Arrian 8.23.4

Bibliography: Eggermont 1975, 73