
Information from the Periplus

Ancient Toponym: Gangēs
Place Type: Port of trade
Route: Eastern route
Next on Route: Khrusē Island
Ancient Area: India
Periplus Chapter: PME, Ch. 63

Topographic info

Longitude 88.688333
Latitude 22.697778
Location Source: nan

Modern Identification: Gangēs town
Modern Country: India

Passage from the Periplus

After this, heading east with the ocean on the right and sailing outside past the remaining parts to the left, you reach the Ganges region and in its vicinity the furthest part of the mainland towards the east, Chryse. There is a river near it that is itself called the Ganges, the greatest of all the rivers in India, which has a rise and fall like the Nile. On it is a port of trade with the same name as the river, Ganges, through which are shipped out malabathron, Gangetic nard, pearls, and cotton garments of the very finest quality, the so-called Gangetic. It is said that there are also gold mines in the area, and that there is a gold coin, the kaltis, as it iscalled. Near this river is an island in the ocean, the furthest extremity towards the east of the inhabited world, lying under the rising sun itself, called Chryse. It supplies the finest tortoise shell of all the places on theErythraean Sea. (from the Casson translation)


Ancient source: nan

Bibliography: nan